Secret Hacks Entrepreneur Parents use to Manage their Family

Secret Hacks Entrepreneur Parents use to Manage their Family

It’s very common for entrepreneur parents to feel guilty if they are unable to dedicate time for their kids, especially during the week. Societal norms, conditioning and the constant need to be the best at everything puts pressure on high performers to be present and to spend the right amount of time with their loved ones. 

The guilt and the lack of being present make us search for the best tips and advice we can find to function properly as business owners and parents. Undertunely there is no silver bullet. It’s a lot of constant testing and tweaking routines and systems, and experimenting with different parenting approaches to find a solution that works at the time. What works now for your family won’t work for you in a few months or years down the road. Schedules change and with that means a change in routine.

Plan Your Life Blocks Like Tetris: How this mom pushes past societal pressures to live her life all out

Plan Your Life Blocks Like Tetris: How this mom pushes past societal pressures to live her life all out

Last month I had the honor of chatting with Martine Wilky. She has the same mom-first approach to life as I do. And I love it! Martine is someone that I discovered (or she found me?) on Instagram not surprisingly as she offers coaching for that platform and has over 15k followers! She is consistent, persistent, and motivating. Oh, and adorable, I might add. Read on as she talks about how to get past the pressures of parenting and running a business.

How to Fight so that Everyone Wins

How to Fight so that Everyone Wins

Fighting in a relationship is normal, and actually quite healthy. According to Esther Perel, psychotherapist, and author of Mating in Captivity, "fighting is a must." A must because fighting isn't actually the issue. It's the repair that matters.

Where your will power steps in is when you feel the need to say something just-to-piss-him/her-off. Something that hurts, that digs deep and will cause a reaction. Will power is your strongest asset so that you don't say or do something you will regret.

Don't Do it Alone: How this entrepreneur overcame mom guilt

Don't Do it Alone: How this entrepreneur overcame mom guilt

here are a few things in life that are guaranteed.

1) Your body and mind will change after having kids
2) You will feel mom guilt at some point in your child's life

The first thing, although it takes some time, can be managed relatively easily. Exercise, eat well, sleep well and take some time for you.

The later part, the mom guilt, is something that despite all efforts will find its way into your life whether you feel like you deserve it or not. There are many reasons behind this; conditioning (how you were raised and your parent's expectations of how you will parent), pressure from friends and your community, social media, outdated norms, discriminating laws and rules around going back to work, mat leave, and so on.