41 Tips to Better Sleep: A list for powerhouse women

41 Tips to Better Sleep: A list for powerhouse women

Running a business and managing a family is like having two fulltime jobs but on steroids. It’s a 24-hour ordeal and something you can’t put a snooze button to. I understand this all too well. 

Having two babies (11-months apart), launching two businesses and moving twice, all in two years, I sure lost my fair share of sleep. What I didn’t know where many of these 41 tips (damn I wished I had!). Hopefully, there are a few things in here that will help you get a better sleep starting tonight!

 9 Brilliant Tips for Better Work-Life Balance

 9 Brilliant Tips for Better Work-Life Balance

Balance. What is it really?

Some say it's an even split between working and everything that comes after it. Well, as a parent, your 9-5 doesn't stop once you clock-out. Nope. You merely put on another hat called Mom. This job arguably more complicated and more important than the one that pays you (have we uncovered the ROI of parenting yet?), seemingly takes away from the balance we think we need. What if I told you that being a mom IS balance? Sure it's hard, and your days are often filled with bullshit from colleagues and then kid-shit in diapers, but this is life! Embrace. Enjoy. Rejoice. It only gets easier.

While I often cringe at the term work-life 'balance,' I use it in this post because it's one that most people recognize. My go-to name is work-life integration (pssst, if you haven't seen our Integrated Life video yet, then you should.) Why 'integration'? Because it's the art of incorporating and unifying all facets of your life; mind, body, career, relationships, and spirituality. The all mesh into one another, are rarely ever balanced and is why I think integration is a more fitting word.  

Top 9 Coding Apps and Games for Kids

Top 9 Coding Apps and Games for Kids

There was a time when coding was new and unexplored by those other than the nerds in the back room. As the years have progressed, coding skills have become more important and needed. It had to because it has increasingly become an integral part of our lives. As more apps and platforms are being developed, the need for even more experienced developers is becoming apparent. 

Screentime is still essential because it gives kids a creative outlet to build, learn logic and sequencing, and expand their minds. It’s also a universal skill and comes with no bias or preconceived notions. More importantly, it is something that is taught to kids as young as three! I know this because I had my boys playing around with coding apps as soon as we let them on an iPad. 

Since coding is one of the most desirable skills for the future, it’s time to rethink your screentime approach and consider some educational programs for your kids. 

When You Know Better, You Do Better

When You Know Better, You Do Better

I remember the morning so clearly. I was brewing my husband and me coffee while he was making breakfast, and I asked him about a business thing he was planning. He replied that he wasn't doing it anymore, which really surprised me. 

"But why?" I asked. "You've been talking about this for a while." 

He replied, "New information."

With his experience and now new knowledge, he realized that this endeavor was not going to help his business grow and in fact, it was going to be more of a distraction than anything. He knew better.