How Much Time Should We Spend With Our Kids?

How Much Time Should We Spend With Our Kids?

Do parents, especially entrepreneur parents, really spend enough time with their kids?

It’s become this kind of scorecard, and we justify how good we are at parenting by the amount of time we spend with our kids.

But quantity does not equal quality. A child will rather spend 20-minutes with you playing a board game if you are ‘all in’ versus an ad hoc afternoon of wandering while you scroll your iPhone every ten minutes.

Think about your childhood memories. Do you remember the days that your parents/caregivers starred aimlessly at their newspapers ho-humming every time you tried to speak with them, or do you remember the micro-moments like playing Barbies or collecting stickers with your mom?

How This Mom Pushed Mom Guilt Away: Overcome the lens of shame

How This Mom Pushed Mom Guilt Away: Overcome the lens of shame

As a mom to Irish twins, I thought life and business couldn't get any more complicated.

From signing on new clients, pumping, diapers, rolling up to meetings, logging on to webinars, and every-little-thing that comes in between - it was a crazy time (Still is actually).

But the story from this powerhouse mama, Jackie Serviss, makes my daily life feel normal. She gets it. And she is SQUASHING mom guilt in the bud because she can, and she is doing it!

This week I asked Jackie to answer my burning question "How do you overcome mom guilt?" and she lays it all out for you.

Understanding the Wow versus How People in a Relationship

Understanding the Wow versus How People in a Relationship

I was listening to a podcast the other week (forget which one of a million it was that I listen to), and the interviewee was talking about how most marriages, partnerships, and relationships have a ‘wow’ person and a ‘how’ person.

The wow person is someone that often consistently comes up with ideas that some may think are very wow-worthy. They think big, fast, and sometimes unrealistically. They are loud about their ideas and want to share them with the world. They are proud of how they think and believe that almost anything is possible at the moment without much research. The problem is, when that ‘world’ is their wife or husband, it can seem unbearable and can cause anxiety.

7 Evening Routine Hacks To Help You Be Incredibly Productive

7 Evening Routine Hacks To Help You Be Incredibly Productive

There has been a lot of buzz lately around creating a solid routine. With the likes of authors like James Clear (Atomic Habits) and Charles Duhigg (The Power of Habit) and many more writing incredible pieces on Medium (thank you Ben Hardy!), we are seeing how powerful habits can be. But many of these studies, the research and arguments focus on the morning routine as the all-important element in being successful.

I disagree.

I think that just as importantly, maybe even more importantly, is how you set up your morning routine for success the night before.