Why You Should Let Your Kids Be Challenged

Why You Should Let Your Kids Be Challenged

As parents, we often want to swoop in to help our kids solve their problems. From brushing their teeth to completing their chores and doing their homework, we justify helping them because we either want to move faster (the bus is coming!) or we feel bad because they are frustrated with a task.

But the worst thing we can do for them is to DO FOR THEM. There comes a point in their development that they need to ‘figure sh*t out on their own.’ 

The Top Books on Parenting

The Top Books on Parenting

Let's face it, parenting is the toughest job in the world.  While we all have different parenting styles, different methods and beliefs in how things should be done, you can't expect to know it all without asking questions or reading something.

I asked the community "What's your hands-down favorite books on parenting" and the people delivered. Below are some super handy reads not just about parenting, but about character, development, schooling, and discipline. Admittedly, I haven't read these all -- yet.  Some books are not so obvious a parenting book as you may imagine, but trust me, the content is relevant and applicable

5 Reasons Why You and Your Partner Should Take the Wealth Dynamics Test

5 Reasons Why You and Your Partner Should Take the Wealth Dynamics Test

Your immediate family is a small team. A team all trying to survive and thrive together. While most roles within the household have already been clearly defined, thanks to our society and mainstream media, how we operate and what makes us prosper is something that is often ignored.  Partners often get into arguments not because they disagree with each other, but because they are misunderstood. Not so much as to what they may have said, but misunderstood in terms of who they are, how they process information, how they react and what drives them. I would say that most heated arguments could be completely eradicated from your relationship if you each had a better understanding of each other’s personality. Oddly enough, the Wealth Dynamics Test is a great way to explore this.

The 4-Step Protocol to Controlling Your Emotions

The 4-Step Protocol to Controlling Your Emotions

This wasn’t the first time I used my protocol to redirect the energy to a positive outcome. I had clients from my former agency that were incredibly difficult to please. For every inch, they’d expect a mile. It was exhausting. At one point, one of their team members verbally attacked my team on a call. That big bad dragon started to grow inside of me and I needed to walk out of the room before I let it breathe fire. 

Over the years I tried to think of something I could easily remember when I felt the temper or rage inside of me start to grow. Walking away wasn’t enough, though it helped. I needed a protocol that my mind could intuitively tap into to help me out of the messy situations.