The Be Present Box

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The Be Present Box


It’s challenging to be present with our loved ones, colleagues, and friends when life is whizzing by. But constant distractions leave us feeling guilty, unfocused, and overwhelmed. Busyness leads to stress, can wear down our immune system, and can even make us feel disconnected from the people we love. 

While we know that we need to change our habits, often we don’t know how to or are unsure where to start. 

The Be Present Box was crafted as an antidote to the problem of constant busyness and distraction. It’s designed to help you make time for what matters most a priority and to serve as a gentle reminder to be more present.

This box comes with some special tools that can help you create a daily practice of mindfulness: The box, a bracelet, mantra card, pen and notepad. It’s the perfect way to combat your everyday stressors: context switching, distraction, being overwhelmed, and feelings of guilt and disconnection.

As you work to create a daily habit of mindfulness, you will soon find that you no longer need these tools. Instead, mindfulness will replace distraction; becoming a part of your daily routine – and life.

LIMITED SUPPLY — So hurry and order your Be Present Box today!

(Shipping late-November 2018)

Price is in USD.

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Want to know a little more? Check out my video below: